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From war to #ReGeneration: the Coronavirus is the silence after the storm

The extreme weather events preceding the outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic – The Perspectivist reported – were a sign that humanity has to change radically and slow down its activities on the planet. The Coronavirus pandemic has led us to do so for other reasons. The currently calmer period should be seen a unique opportunity to reinvent our communities, to reconnect to nature and to reestablish healthy habits. Our #CoronaCoaching sessions can help you to reconnect.

Many world leaders have declared a War on Coronavirus, this “invisible enemy”. The rhetoric justifies all military and emergency measures a state can activate and keeps citizens in a permanent state of vigilance, if not permanent fear. While the war on terror and war on drugs seem to have, in the end, produced even more terrorism and drug trafficking, a war on a virus couldn’t be more inefficient.

From a public health point of view, it is dangerous to ignore the many side-effects extreme lockdowns can have without accompanying it properly. Domestic violence, depression or drug abuse are only a few examples of conditions leading to worse public health. But maybe such drastic measures are needed to protect vulnerable people? Yes, physical distancing rules make sense.

However, how can we sincerely pursue the safeguard of public health, of all our measures lead to a rapid deterioration of it? It is well-known that stress, fears, a lack of physical activity, a lack of walks in nature and others lead to a weaker immune system.
To date, the immune system is the only cure to the Coronavirus. Why are we then allowing and even subsidizing all known attacks on the immune system such as air pollution, pesticides, industrial foods or electro smog (in particular through 4G and 5G)?

From a societal point of view, a war justifies the (temporary) abolishment of citizen rights, access to goods and services and mobilization of all available resources a state has. At least in Europe, today’s resources seem to be disproportionally of military and security-related nature, while masks, hospital ventilators and adequately paid medical staff are rather scarce.

Furthermore, one could hear that the transition to an economy operating within ecological planetary boundaries and for societal needs are too expensive. Suddenly, trillions of Euros are mobilized to reanimate the dead body that our world economy is today. It is an economy based on exploitation of humans, animals, plants and life itself. From burned-out managers to slavery-like factory workers in Bangladesh: our current model is a clear lose-lose situation for everyone and everything. It is suicidal to put it bluntly.

Why are we then sticking to it? Unfortunately, negative thoughts (“This will end badly”, “It’s lost anyway”) and negative feelings (“I don’t have any motivation anymore”; “I’m scared”) are self-perpetuating. Gladfully however, we can consciously break out of the vicious circle of destructivity by focusing on the positive, small changes we want to see. And do it. Every big change has started with small steps. Who would have thought a few years ago that renewable energies become cheaper than any other form of energy? Who would have thought that an economically deeply perturbed country like Portugal overcomes the crisis? Who would have thought that the father of Boris Johnson, also a conservative politician, would refind purpose in his life and support Extinction Rebellion, among others?

Be part of the #ReGeneration – it will heal yourself and the planet. You can check out our new #CoronaCoaching sessions!

Let’s use the current silence to go inside and focus on the positive things we see there. Let’s make it grow. We support you in this process.
